The classic among the dry eye treatments

Tears are much more than water …

As a matter of fact, the tear film that covers the ocular surface has a fairly complicated structure. An outermost thin lipid layer slows down the evaporation of the underlying aqueous phase. The aqueous phase plays an important role in supplying the ocular surface with oxygen and nutrients. An even distribution of the tear film over the eye is guaranteed by a third, i.e. a mucin layer, which is in direct contact with the cornea and conjunctiva (Figure 1).

  1. Superficial lipid layer
  2. Aqueous phase
  3. Mucine layer
  4. Surface of the corneaWenn der Tränenfilm zusammenbricht

When the tear film breaks up

An insufficient tear film production or a change in its composition means that the tear film can no longer form a continuous layer, i.e. it breaks up (Figure 2). As a consequence, the ocular surface cells are deprived of oxygen and nutrients leading to cellular damage that in turn causes itching, burning and a foreign body sensation. These symptoms are often accompanied by pain. In the advanced stage dry eyes can lead to a damage of the cornea and conjunctiva.

Sodium hyaluronate guarantees optimal lubrication

he naturally occurring endogenous sodium hyaluronate is ideally suited as a long-lasting, intensive ocular lubricant. Due to its chemical structure, sodium hyaluronate binds and retains many times its own weight in water. It adheres perfectly to the ocular surface and forms a uniform and stable film that keeps the eyes lubricated.

Preservative and phosphate free in the patented COMOD® device

Preservatives, which are designed to prevent contamination of eye drops during storage and use, can affect the natural tear film and damage the cells of the ocular surface. Furthermore, they can cause intolerance reactions¹. Modern ocular lubricants are therefore preservative free. This also applies to HYLO COMOD® as it is provided in the patented COMOD multi-dose device that, in a unique way, prevents contamination of its contents.

Phosphates that are widely used in eye drops can also have a harmful effect on an already damaged cornea². The binding of phosphate to calcium, which is released from damaged corneal cells, may lead to the formation of sparingly soluble calcifications that can permanently impair vision. Therefore, eye drops used on a dry and damaged ocular surface should not contain phosphates. HYLO COMOD® is phosphate free and therefore presents no risk of corneal calcification.

HYLO COMOD®: proven a million times over

  • Eye drops containing 0.1 % sodium hyaluronate provided in the COMOD® device
  • Compatible with contact lenses
  • Preservative free and citrate-buffered, i.e. phosphate free
  • Very economical, hence low treatment costs


HYLO COMOD® PZN   Shelf life after opening Storage instructions
10 ml eye drops 00495970 6  months Do not store above 25°C
2 x 10 ml eye drops 04047553 6 months Do not store above 25°C

¹ 2007 Report of the international Dry Eye Workshop (DEWS); The Ocular Surface, 2007 (5); No.2
² BfArM & PEI Bulletin zur Arzneimittelsicherheit 2013; Ausg. 1: 7-12


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