
Dry eye syndrome

Choosing the right eye lubrication: what to be aware of

The dry eye syndrome is one of the most common eye disorders. It is triggered by a reduced production of the aqueous phase and/or increased evaporation of the tear. The latter also known as evaporative dry eye is caused by an unstable or deficient lipid layer of the tear film. When left untreated a disturbed tear film can lead to an inflammation of the ocular surface and eyelids as well as to severe visual impairment and therefore to a reduced quality of life.

Patients suffering from a lack in tear production usually experience relief using hyaluronic acid-based ocular lubricants. Evaporative dry eyes are treated with eyelid hygiene (e.g. warmth applied to and cleaning of the eyelids) and artificial tears that specifically stabilise the lipid layer of the tear film.

During sleep far less tears are produced. Therefore, a complementary treatment with an eye ointment might be useful at night to prevent the formation of unpleasant crusty deposits around the eyelash roots and on the eyelid margins that can cause irritated and inflamed eyes.

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